‘Really hard’: Gurugram entrepreneur leaves internet divided on perils of being a millennial boss

Being a millennial and a boss is a challenge that many have to face at their work place on a day-to-day basis. Often time, millennials are forced to act as the bridge between boomer or older millennials and the Gen Z employees working in their offices.

Mayank Sharma, the founder of the Gurugram-based HRMony Partners, recently shared his experience of being a millennial boss in a LinkedIn post. In his post, Sharma mentioned that being a millennial boss is akin to walking on egg shells all the time. 

“Being a millennial boss is really hard. You have a boomer or an older millennial boss who wants you to torture your team, make people work late hours, ask people to come to the office daily, and wear sophisticated clothes,” the entrepreneur’s post read. 

He further underlined the expectations of the new-aged millennials and Gen Z employees.

Needless to say, the post went viral in no time. The entrepreneur’s take on bridging the gap between boomers and Gen Zs was relatable for some whereas others begged to differ. 

“Very real scenario. I try to keep it further simple. I ask both the sides what is “must do” to meet delivery and customer expectations and do that. If we start doing “right things” and avoid “politically right” things, everything falls in place,” one user related to the founder’s post.

“Millennial bosses are Corporate Carbohydrates- essential but not respected,” yet another user hi-fived. 

“This struggle will increase more as time progresses and more Gen Z will enter in workforce and employers will have to adjust and prioritise younger needs to remain competitive in the market and the older generation will have to adjust to the working pattern of young ones and they might not be as involved as top ones,” a user remarked. 

“I’ve reported to Boomer and Millenial bosses who have allowed me to work from mountains for weeks, while trusting in me to run my team the way I would want. Have also had reportees who have voluntarily asked to come to office on an almost daily basis. Boss part is primarily just luck and you don’t get to choose them. The reportee part is partially what they want and partially how you nurture them from a value perspective,” another user said. 

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