Swiggy Instamart, the quick-commerce service, launched a special hour-long flash sale across Delhi-NCR on Thursday, following a unique request from a customer. According to a social media post by his flatmate, the unnamed customer had added a note to his food delivery asking for onions.
“Bhaiyya, please send round cut onions. Bhaiyya, please. Onions are too costly, I can’t buy. Please send onions bhaiyya thoda,” the customer wrote, as seen in a picture of the bill shared on the subreddit Delhi.
In response, the restaurant generously included extra onions with his meal.
As expected, the Swiggy order gained widespread attention. The surge in interest caught the attention of Swiggy co-founder Phani Kishan Addepalli, who took notice of the customer’s request. In response, he not only acknowledged the viral post but also announced a surprise sale on onions for Delhi and the entire NCR region.
“Came across this post about a Swiggy customer trying to save on the rising price of onions by asking the restaurant to send some extra onions. We feel your pain and though we can’t change the prices – just for you, we’re launching a flash sale today! Onions at ₹39 in Delhi NCR from 7-8pm. Stock up before we stock out,” Addepalli said on X.
It’s not unusual for startup executives to engage with customers online in a humorous way. For instance, BlinkIt CEO Albinder Dhindsa once responded to a customer’s complaint by offering complimentary coriander with orders.
However, not all such interactions go smoothly. In September, a man from Chandigarh claimed his Big Basket account was blocked after he reported receiving underweight onions. Bhavye Goel alleged that his 1 kg onion order was 150 grams short of the expected weight. Meanwhile, onion prices have been rising, with Delhi paying as much as Rs 65 per kg.