Comment stimuler ton métabolisme | BODi

Que veux-tu savoir en premier : la bonne ou la mauvaise nouvelle? La mauvaise nouvelle d’abord? D’accord, on va dire que le verre est à moitié vide. Voici donc la mauvaise nouvelle : il n’y a pas de formule magique pour accélérer ton métabolisme. Toutes ces pilules et potions miraculeuses qui promettent de transformer ton métabolisme en … Read more

Setback! – BionicOldGuy

By last Tuesday my sciatica symptoms were feeling a lot better so I got a bit too confident. I went for a 90 minute ride, and for about 50 minutes I rode my upright instead of recumbent, including a good amount of standing pedalling. It all felt great. Then when I got home my sciatica … Read more

How Do You Increase Your Strength Faster?

When it comes to building strength, everyone’s looking for a faster way to make progress. As a coach, I’ve worked with clients who have countless goals, from lifting heavier weights to feeling more capable in everyday life. The good news? There are proven strategies to increase your strength quickly while keeping things safe and sustainable. … Read more

Ask the Dietitian: How Much Protein Can Our Body Absorb?

Protein is an essential component of every single cell in our body — it plays a huge role in everything from tissue growth and repair to DNA synthesis, cellular transport, building antibodies, muscle building, and more. Without adequate protein, our body’s ability to function optimally is compromised. (1) It’s an important macronutrient for weight management. … Read more

Why These Workouts WORK

I spent years in a crazy workout cycle. I’d go super hard for a few weeks, not really see much change and give up. And repeat. Can you relate? Not All Exercise is Created Equal Experts recommend a MINIMUM of 150 minutes of exercise each week to maintain a healthy weight and get all the … Read more

94 Years of Wisdom | Nerd Fitness

Last week, I flew to Massachusetts to visit my 94-year grandmother in the hospital. Let me tell you about this amazing woman. Barbara, Auntie B, or Gramma to us grandkids, was born in 1930 to first-generation Newfoundlanders. (No wonder I love the music of ​Alan Doyle​ (and ​Great Big Sea​), it’s in my DNA!) Gramma … Read more

What Is Creatine Loading and Is It Necessary?

Curious about creatine loading? Let’s start at the beginning. Among the thousands of potions, pills, and powders in the world of sports nutrition, creatine monohydrate is among the most studied, most tested, and most effective. Regular use can help enhance strength, muscle growth, and athletic performance by providing the raw materials your body needs to … Read more