Kunal Shah-backed investment platform Stack Wealth is under the radar after an undated video featuring its CEO Smriti Tomar went viral on social media for all the wrong reasons. In this video, Tomar can be seen reprimanding a group of employees because they were unable to meet the sales targets.Â
She can be heard telling a group of employees: “If you have not done enough sales, you are not getting your full and final (FNF) settlement. To make matters worse, she can be heard referring to an employee as “stupid”.Â
When one of the employees reads out the terms and conditions of the contract, she threatens that she’ll send another mail with regards to the same.Â
Needless to say, the viral video left netizens irate. They called the young CEO an “entitled brat” and batted for a structure and proper laws to hold people in power responsible for their actions.Â
“I spoke to Smriti once, she is way too entitled brat and considers most people beneath her,” a user said.
“I had interviewed here and almost planned on joining this, but the negotiations made me feel a bit off, so I didn’t joined. And Thank god I didn’t joined this,” a second user wrote.Â
“I think we really need a structure and proper law to hold these people responsible, The startup ecosystem in India is getting pathetic day by day. My friend is working at ola and seriously the environment is so bad that I can even describe, same with my colleague at zepto. No working hours people are randomly working till 4-5 am in the morning,” a third user commented.Â
“I think she should sit and do the job of the sales man… People should realise that marketing and sales are one of the toughest jobs to do!! The company should have a strategy and teach the sales man to pitch the right way instead of putting all the burden on them and blaming for not making enough sales… I believe people do put in hardwork in private sector jobs because they don’t want to go through this,” another user noted.Â
Yet another user wrote: “I got a call from Stealth for an opening. But then they ignored me even after following them quiet a few times. Extremely lucky to not be part of such a Workplace!”
Meanwhile, a former employee said in a LinkedIn post that he was terminated without any prior notice on January 4, while alleging the company withheld his salary for the month of December.
He said that he was informed only a day later that he wouldn’t be receiving his salary and that several others were let go on the same day under similar circumstances.
When he sought clarification, all he was told was that his performance was not enough and he soon found out that Stack Wealth owes around ₹7.5 lakh in unpaid rent for their office building.Â