A former tech engineer from Bengaluru, now living as a beggar, has become a stark reminder of the dangers of alcohol addiction. Disheveled and wearing a red T-shirt, the man was spotted on the streets of Jayanagar, where he shared his story with a passerby, claiming he once worked for a leading tech firm at the Global Village Tech Park, now Sattva Global City.
His plight came to light after Instagram user @sharath_yuvaraja_official uploaded three videos documenting the man’s story. In the clips, the former techie explained how the loss of his parents drove him to alcoholism, eventually derailing his life and forcing him to beg for survival.
The videos, which have since gone viral, show the man speaking on a range of topics, from meditation to David Hume’s philosophy and Albert Einstein’s theories. At one point, he reflected on his situation, saying, “Religion, caste, all those things… look at what I’ve become. I need to read more, I need to read more.”
According to Sharath, the man was initially found on JSS College Road in Jayanagar 8th Block, though others reported seeing him in a drunken state days earlier in Jayanagar’s 4th Block. Despite efforts to offer help, he reportedly declined assistance.
In subsequent updates, Sharath revealed he had contacted NGOs to help the man. However, a doctor featured in one of the follow-up videos explained that no NGO could take action without police involvement.
BT was unable to independently verify the authenticity of the post. The man’s story has struck a chord with social media users, prompting discussions about mental health, addiction, and the fragility of seemingly successful lives.