In a recent viral post on the social media platform Grapevine, a user by the handle ‘Jazzysushi‘ shared a scathing critique of job portals and platforms in 2025. The post, titled “Rant: Job platforms in 2025 are a soul-sucking mess,” struck a chord with many users, sparking widespread discussion about the challenges of modern job hunting.
The Struggles of Job Portals
Jazzysushi detailed his frustrations with popular job platforms like Naukri and LinkedIn, describing them as inefficient, invasive, and poorly designed for genuine job seekers. Here’s a breakdown of his experiences:
Naukri: A Privacy Nightmare
According to Jazzysushi, applying for jobs on Naukri often leads to an onslaught of unsolicited calls, emails, and text messages from dubious recruiters.
“My resume gets blasted all over the place with my personal information, and I start getting harassed by shady recruiters offering irrelevant jobs,” the user wrote.
LinkedIn: The Illusion of EasyApply
While LinkedIn’s EasyApply feature promises convenience, Jazzysushi found it cumbersome and counterproductive. He criticized the repetitive prompts and irrelevant questions, saying,
“It asks if I have experience with an ultra-specific task. If I say no, I might as well not have applied at all.”
General Issues Across Platforms
Jazzysushi talked about how these platforms lack details on salary transparency. These are the pointers he stressed at large:
- Vague job descriptions, particularly regarding remote or onsite expectations.
- Job listings demanding excessive skills and experience for entry-level roles.
- Prevalence of “ghost jobs” — listings for roles that aren’t actively hiring.
Responses from the Community
The post resonated with many Grapevine users, who shared their own struggles. One user wrote, “I have been facing this lately. I’m desperately looking for a change but not getting any calls despite applying to many job postings.”
Criticising the applying feature on LinkedIn, another Grapeviner responded, “EasyApply on LinkedIn just attracts noise. As a recruiter, I’d prefer 50 good applications over 200 irrelevant ones.”
“Naukri calls are mostly spam. For LinkedIn, try using the free premium offer and update your profile using AI suggestions. An ATS-friendly resume also helps.”
A Broken System?
The overwhelming sentiment in the comments points to systemic issues in online job platforms. Job seekers and recruiters alike are calling for more transparency, stricter application processes, and better safeguards against spam and irrelevant noise.