A man in China, identified as Zhang, faced unexpected consequences after taking a short nap at work. Exhausted from working late hours to complete assignments, Zhang, a department manager at a chemical company in southeastern China, decided to rest at his desk. However, this one-hour nap led to his termination after the HR staff noticed him sleeping instead of working.
While the nap initially cost him his job, it ultimately brought him a surprising windfall of 350,000 yuan (approximately Rs 40.78 lakh). Here’s how it unfolded.
Local news outlets accessed a WeChat conversation where an HR staff member asked Zhang, “Manager Zhang, how long did you nap that day?” Zhang replied, “About an hour or so.”
Zhang’s case took an unexpected turn after he was fired. He decided to take legal action and sued the company for terminating him over a nap at work. The court reviewed the case, and in a surprising outcome, ruled in favor of the employee.
Zhang was awarded 350,000 yuan (US$48,000) in compensation. According to reports, Judge Ju Qi from the Taixing People’s Court stated, “Sleeping on the job was a first-time offence and didn’t cause serious harm to the company.” The court reviewed the company’s policies but concluded that Zhang’s actions didn’t justify his dismissal.