Tamil Nadu: Pani puri seller gets GST notice for earning Rs 40 lakh via online payments; netizens say ‘time to switch careers’

A GST notice sent to a pani puri seller in Tamil Nadu has gone viral on social media, leaving many people amused and some even contemplating career changes.

The notice, which relates to an online payment of Rs 40 lakh received by the vendor in the year 2023-24, has sparked widespread discussion, particularly on Reddit.

Dated December 17, 2024, the summons was issued under Section 70 of the Tamil Nadu Goods and Service Tax Act and the Central GST Act, instructing the vendor to appear in person and provide the required documents.

“Based on the reports received from RazorPay and Phonepe, you have received UPI payments for outward supply of goods/services, and the payments received for the years 2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24 are below,” reads the summons, showing Rs 40 lakh received in 2023-24.

The notice also pointed out that supplying goods or services without obtaining GST registration, after surpassing the threshold limit, is considered an offence.

However, Business Today could not independently verify the authenticity of the viral notice.

The notice has prompted various reactions from social media users.

“₹40 L is the amount he received and that may or may not be his income. You have to deduct ingredients cost, manpower costs, fixed expenses, etc. He may be earning just enough to get by,” commented an X user.

Dr. Dheeraj K, a Professor of Psychiatry, pointed out that the amount mentioned in the notice exceeded the salary of many professors in medical colleges, who are taxed according to income slabs.

“The Pani Puri guy can add GST to his bills and pay the Govt. However, he will lose to competition whose bill will be lower. The taxman action would push people into cash transactions!!!,” he commented.

Another Reddit user advised, “He should better get himself registered under GST.”

One user humorously referred to the GST as the “Golgappe Sevpuri Tax.”

Some users supported the idea, with one stating, “This should be done to all business owners who do not pay tax and earn too much. We tax payers have to pay more tax because of them.”

On the other hand, some users questioned the validity of the notice. “Yes, it’s possible to earn this much by selling panipuri. But this looks legit fake, easily photoshopped,” said a user.

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