A Bengaluru-based tech entrepreneur, Ujjawal Asthana, has announced his decision to move from the city often referred to as the Silicon Valley of India to Pune. Reflecting on his 14+ years in Bengaluru, Asthana expressed deep emotions about his time in the city that played a significant role in shaping both his professional and personal journey. Known for developing AI-driven applications, he described his time in Bengaluru as a “beautiful experience” in his heartfelt farewell.
Asthana credited Bengaluru for being the backdrop to several key milestones in his life, including landing his first job, traveling internationally, building successful businesses, securing startup funding, and even meeting his life partner. Though not originally from the city, he expressed that Bengaluru had become home to him, appreciating its inclusive culture that transcends social and economic barriers.
“I am not a local but there wasn’t a day when I felt like an outsider – and if you are thinking thats because I live in a bubble of high rise and car – that’s not the case. I have also lived the BMTC, auto, cab life in the city for longest time,” he wrote.
“Bengaluru is not a city; it is a beautiful experience that is hard to explain in words. You experience it once you live with the people here and walk in the lanes of Jayanagar,” he wrote
“And while I am going to make Pune my new home, and I can’t wait to start my journey there, I will keep walking in the lanes of Bangalore – the city I have called home since I became an adult, on each trip,” he ended the post.
Asthana’s relocation to Pune marks a fresh beginning, and he’s actively hiring for several roles in the city. Positions include leadership roles in B2B SaaS marketing, performance marketing, content marketing, and a “founder’s office” role, with no salary cap for the right candidates. He emphasized the need for professionals with high agency and former founders.
His announcement received a wave of responses, with many welcoming him to Pune while acknowledging the city’s traffic and infrastructure issues. Supporters reassured him that Pune, like Bengaluru, offers a strong sense of community. “Pune has its own traffic and infrastructure challenges, but you’ll never feel like an outsider. Hope the weather here matches Bengaluru’s!” one user wrote. Another added, “Wishing you all the best on your new journey – you’ll enjoy Pune and feel at home here.”